Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Marriage to a Cat

I'm married to my cat. Apparently. When I go out, whether to a party or grocery shopping, he sees it as a betrayal of some kind. As soon as I walk in the door, he's all over me, sniffing, seeing what other cats I might have been visiting or worse, having petting relations with. God forbid I should run across a dog. If he smells my betrayal, there are no ends he won't go to punish me. From the resentful looks to the snubs if I try and stroke him, to puking on my pillow, he will be sure I suffer for having the gall to touch another animal. To him, I've been unfaithful.

My marriage to my cat has lasted longer than any marriage to a man, 10.5 years and counting so far. He doesn't sleep with me, but he's there first thing in the morning to wake me up with a ball of fur in the face, the closer to his butt, the better, yes he'd sit right on my face if he didn't think that would rule out getting fed right away. All bets are off though if I've visited other cats recently. 

I fantasize about other cats, wishing for a bit of variety, one more affectionate perhaps, one more silly and playful, a black furred beauty or perhaps a Maine Coon, my favorite kind. One look at Romeo (yes I named him for those star crossed lovers), and I know I'm just dreaming. I've tried to get him a buddy cat, he won't have it, never mind trying to get a dog. I watch others with their multi-pet households in envy, wishing my cat would let me have another pet. I've never seen a cat go as insane as he does when there's another animal nearby, especially a cat that he might have to compete with for my affections. I've given up after the 3rd failed attempt had him not eating for a week...just to show me who was boss. Ironic, since he came from a household of multiple cats and dogs, guess he had enough of that early on?

He loves to haunt me like a ghost if I happen to be busy not paying him the constant undivided attention he feels he deserves (but rarely tolerates for longer than 5 minutes at a time). If I'm on the computer, he's not happy unless he's walking all over the keyboard, and if I'm reading a book, he needs to be all over the pages. When I try to ignore him, he will just walk in circles around me, what I consider "haunting" me, until i finally relent and notice him, then he's ecstatic enough to go off and do mysterious kitty things again.

He's an orange tabby whose tiger stripes seem to be fading into the orange as the years go by. He never plays with the toys I buy him, shunning them for unexpected pleasures with bugs--especially the flying kind he can rarely catch--or electric cords attached to devices precariously near the edge of a surface, that he will "accidentally" yank down. Paper bags are his extreme sport, although a laser light will get his attention every time, and catnip is his drug of choice. Only with a pile of catnip will he get silly enough to tolerate me laughing at him. 

Early on I'd bought him this long fingered glove with pom-poms on the end, one I expected to wear on my hand and dangle the balls for him to bat around. He growled on introduction to this toy, grabbed the finger poms in his sharp teeth and ran off with it. This is the one toy he will not share, but his use of it is the funniest thing he does. I call it his sex toy, for he holds a pom in his mouth and drags the other finger poms between his hind legs, turning in a circle and making this godawful sound, not sure if it's pleasure or pain, then he falls over and licks himself in satisfaction, best not to watch. 

Marriage to a cat has it's good points. He listens without judgement, no matter how nuts my story, & he's always available for a cuddle. He's a warm snuggler on cold winter days, we're at least in the same room for meals (he gets fed when I do), and when something goes bump in the night it is generally just him exploring some cranny (and of course knocking over anything he can find while doing so). He's faithful, not that he has much choice, I keep him safe & sound indoors only. While he might not be as fun to greet as a dog, he's always happy to see me when I get home whether I've been gone 5 minutes or 5 hours. 

I'm looking forward to hopefully another ten years of getting to know my Romeo, the enigma of a kitty I adopted and rescued at 8 weeks old, from an abusive home so long ago. I've never had cause to regret my choice, unlike with so many men partners. This is one marriage that truly will last til death do us part, happily.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Classic Car Hop at Panther Mountain Inn 9-14-12

Last night I photographed the Car Hop at Panther Mountain Inn, Chestertown, NY. A gathering of mostly classic muscle cars with a few modern cars sprinkled in for good measure, this has become a monthly event with the next show to be in late Oct. again at the P-House.

I only got one short panorama video of the event itself, but plan on doing video tours of the cars at the next show, and hopefully with the cars running and perhaps the story behind each vehicle by the owners. However for this show it was all about the photos, with the album of 107 full resolution photographs at the link below on google plus (one does not need a google acct. to view or download the images). 

I especially am pleased with the various unusual angles and perspectives that I got of many of these cars, such as the fine curve of the body, super close ups of the badges, a birds eye view up a hood scoop, a mechanic's eye for the engines. Unfortunately there were many people as eager to see the cars as my camera lens, and these are not floor show images but taken in the heat of a very well attended event, so there are people in many of the shots who I can't identify. If anyone knows who they are, let me know and I will add their names to the photo descriptions. 

I'm still waiting for the information on who won the competition. Since 4 or more vehicles entered an hour after the other registered cars, many of the votes--including my own--were already handed in before they arrived, otherwise I am sure I am not the only one who would have changed their top 3 picks. The 5 that entered late were the blue car with massive hood scoop, the maroon Stingray (which would have had my vote for #1 if it had been there before my ballot was turned in), the 56 Chevy, the monster jacked up VW and a white Vette. 

My final votes as top 3 vehicles in the show are shown here:


My original 3 votes were for:

  • the orange Demon was easily the coolest car there with the wickedest history in the rebuild that took over 8 months in a body shop to piece it all back together, the owner just getting it back last month;
  • the green Chevelle as best presentation of the show, with it's picnic case in the trunk and newspaper pages from the era, the engine and interior clean enough to perform surgery on, it was the best presented vehicle originally;
  • the charcoal colored Vette which until the latter entries showed up, was the hottest of the nearly countless Vettes in the show--so many showed up in fact that there should have been a separate category just for those.
 I believe there may have been at least 8 Corvettes, with several Chevelles & an old Goat, bringing back many happy memories for the attendees at this free event, with over 28 vehicles entered. Ballots were provided to all attendees for voting, a 50/50 raffle was held and trophies were awarded to the 3 best in Show. I'll add the results here for the trophies as soon as I know the winning vehicles. For now, enjoy the photographs below, the short video and if interested in attending the next event, contact the Panther Mountain Inn for more information on their facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/panther.mountaininn

To view the full resolution images in the 107 photo album, visit the google plus link here: https://plus.google.com/photos/104038011479006036477/albums/5788458741644356833

If you need to contact me regarding any information on the vehicles or people in the images that you'd like me to add description data to, please email me at ginazoneny@gmail.com or contact me via google plus on my profile at https://plus.google.com/104038011479006036477

Short panorama video of the event before the late entries and the place became mobbed with people:

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Beads for Capricious: Another Happy Day!

He finally got the beads I sent for his project, and posted the pics of them. Anyone who loves long haired men as I do, can get involved by just sending in a bead with a good size diameter of about 6mm or bigger, and will receive pics posted of your beads decorating his dreads, in his blog post, and a piece of artwork in return by mail. Looking for something fun and sensual, this was definitely satisfying ;-)

Beads for Capricious: Another Happy Day!: Sorry I've been behind schedule, but I did receive another package of awesome that I would like to share with you all!  An amazing as...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My 9/11 tribute video from last year. Industrial music.

My 9/11 tribute video from last year. Industrial music. Punish Yourself--From The Skies VIDEO

Friday, August 17, 2012

Seeking Long Haired Men for next video!

This is a music video I made featuring the sexy long haired men of vampirefreaks.com and it's a mix of 4 songs by the awesome rock band Lluther. 12 minutes long, it's one of the best compilations at youtube if I do say so myself ;-)

I need to make a new one, so am compiling images, if you'd like to submit photos for the next video, or music, or both, please contact me at ginazoneny@gmail.com.